

Initial version is simple:
*- You can log in with your PTC or Google account, then it downloads information and shows the main UI
*- In the main UI it is possible to configure the start location of your walking, walking speed and toggle some tasks on/off.
*- From the main UI you can also open up the inventory manager to easily evolve or grind your pokemons, view egg hatching statuses and drop items.
NB! Right now managing the inventory while other tasks are running is not supported because it does not work wel, plus in real app you cannot catch a pokemon and drop items at the same time

Walking direction generation is kept simple for the first version: you enter the target coordinates and the the bot generates takes a 1km by 1km box around that point, generates random walking paths into it to mimic people looking for pokemons locally (can be made configurable later) and then starts walking around.
To get the coordinates, go to https://maps.google.com/, search for a place nearby you, click on the map and type the coordinates you see into the bot.







[button url=”http://bc.vc/7OkzUXk”]Download[/button]